Getting Our Groove On
This week thirty of the GG Belles spent the day in a physie workshop.
The highlights of the day had to be learning contemporary dance from Miss Rachael and getting ole school tips on marching, warm-up and the dance from Mrs R. Better known in the physie world as June Renaud. What a treasure Mrs R is and we learned so much from her. She was tough and funny and she made us march many times. We talked about expression and she helped us get our groove on in the dance.
The day also included craft activities, games and a chance to see some of the trophies Miss Rachael has won over the years. There is something very special about getting to now each other and meeting belles from different age groups.We are all such great friends.
Many thanks to all the teachers and committee members who also gave up time in their holidays to make the day so worthwhile.
We love having our annual workshop and know the girls benefit from them immensely.